- [S74] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Compiler: Dukleth, Gordon Wayne and Margaret Ann Gober"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S84] Unknown compiler, Census, 1900, Jackson County, Georgia (n.p.: n.pub.).

- [S130] Unknown compiler, Soundex, 1920, DeKalb County, Georgia (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S183] Unknown compiler, Census, 1870, Attala County, Mississippi (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S260] Unknown compiler, Census, 1870, Habersham County, Georgia (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S263] Unknown compiler, Census, 1880, Habersham County, Georgia (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S277] Unknown compiler, Census, 1850, Fayette County, Tennessee (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S288] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
- [S299] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Compiler: Emerson, Elizabeth Gray"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S337] Unknown compiler, Census, 1910, Hopkins County, Texas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S362] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Compiler: Gober, John Thomas Sr."; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S366] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Compiler: Gober, Samuel L. Rev."; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S419] Unknown compiler, Census, 1850, Holmes County, Mississippi (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S440] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Compiler: Willis, Peggy Jane Emerson"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S441] Unknown family info, Family Bible, Emerson Henry Jr. and Ethel (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date); unknown present owner, unknown location.
- [S468] Unknown compiler, Census, 1900, Walker County, Georgia (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S484] Unknown author, Prairie County, Arkansas Cemetery Records (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S500] Unknown compiler, Soundex, 1910, Hamilton County, Tennessee (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S512] Unknown compiler, Census, 1860, Leake County, Mississippi (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S528] Unknown compiler, compiler, "Compiler: Farley, William Sterling"; Ancestral File unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S530] Wanda M. Gray, Selected Historical & Genealogical Records of Scott County, Arkansas (n.p.: n.pub., 1993). Hereinafter cited as Hist. & Gen Recs of Scott Co., AR.
- [S545] Unknown compiler, Census, 1900, White County, Arkansas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S546] Unknown compiler, 1910, Census, White County, Arkansas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S550] Unknown compiler, Census, 1870, Harris County, Texas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S551] Unknown compiler, Census, 1880, Harris County, Texas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S552] Unknown compiler, Census, 1900, Harris County, Texas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S553] Unknown compiler, Census, 1910, Harris County, Texas (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S624] Unknown compiler, Census, 1900, Calhoun County, Alabama (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S647] Unknown article title, Helen England Gober, unknown location, 07 Jul 1999. Hereinafter cited as Abilene Report-News.
- [S688] Unknown compiler, Soundex, 1920, Hinds County, Mississippi (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S740] Jay Dean Gober, "Email from Jay Dean Gober," e-mail message to webmasters, 15 Nov 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Jay Dean Gober."
- [S756] Laura Lynne Feagin Dawson, "Email from Laura Lynne Feagin Dawson," e-mail message to e-mail address, 6 Dec 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Laura Lynne Feagin Dawson."
- [S764] Marcus Earls, "E-mail from Marcus Earls," e-mail message to e-mail address, May 30, 2003. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail from Marcus Earls."
- [S770] Joan Gober, "Email from Joan Gober," e-mail message to Barbara Cunningham, Wed, 02 Oct 2002. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Joan Gober."
- [S833] Fronye Rendon, "Email from Fronye Rendon," e-mail message to e-mail address, 27nov2006. Hereinafter cited as "Email Fronye Rendon."
- [S905] John David Rea, "E-mail from John David Rea," e-mail message to John Charles Gober, 14oct2010. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail John David Rea."
- [S932] Angela Gober Ford, "E-mail from Angela Gober Ford Correcting Data," e-mail message to John Charles Gober, 17mar2011. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail from Angela Gober Ford."
- [S934] Lisa Calhoun, "E-mail from Lisa Calhoun Correcting family Data," e-mail message to John Charles Gober, 20mar2011. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail from Lisa Calhoun."
- [S939] Thomas Ray Halcomb, "Email from Thomas Ray Halcomb correcting data," e-mail message to John Charles Gober, 4/25/2011. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Thomas Ray Halcomb."
- [S983] Patricia Wall, "Edith O. Behan," e-mail message to John Charles Gober, 15oct2012. Hereinafter cited as "Edith O. Behan."
- [S1043] Find a Grave Sarah Downs Gober, online http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=30522818. Hereinafter cited as Find a Grave Gober.
- [S1055] Rod Weeks, "Updates for Rodney O. Weeks," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to John Charles Gober, 26jan2014. Hereinafter cited as "Updates Weeks."
- [S1068] Bomnnie Crocker, "E-mail reguarding John Franklin Floyd," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to John Gober, 03/17/2014. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail John Franklin Floyd."
- [S1070] e-mail address, "Gober_john updates to Family," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to John Charles Gober, 30mar2014. Hereinafter cited as "Gober_john updates."
- [S1105] Letter from Carole Gober Knudson (206 Quaside Circle, #202, Maitland, Florida 32751) to Lisbon Jack Gober, 3jun1987; unknown repository (unknown repository address).

- [S1206] Ancestry.com, Census 1930 Icy W. Edwards (n.p.: Ancestry.com). Hereinafter cited as Census 1930.

- [S1207] Ancestry.com, Census 1940 Icy Edwards (n.p.: Ancestry.com). Hereinafter cited as Census 1940.

- [S1208] Ancestry.com, Census 1940 Don Edwards (n.p.: Ancestry.com). Hereinafter cited as Census 1940.

- [S1209] Laura Kathleen Miller, "E-mail message from Laura Kathleen Miller reguarding Richard Warren Gober," e-mail message from e-mail address (private) to John Charles Gober, 30oct2016. Hereinafter cited as "E-mail message from Laura Kathleen Miller."
- [S1259] Therese Hicks, "email Ruby Mae Gober," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to e-mail address, 03mar2018. Hereinafter cited as "email Ruby Mae Gober."