- (?), (?) to Altom, Zelo
- Alvord, Charlsie Maxine to Austin, Lillye Mae
- Austin, Linda B. to Barrett, _____
- Barrier, Minnie to Bienkowski, Karen
- Bigalow, James Earl to Bourne, Rebecca Irene
- Boutinghouse, Chris to Brannum, Elmira
- Brant, Hana Christine to Bryant, Tommy
- Bryce, Jerry Ann to Caldwell, Sheryl
- Calhoun, Annie Belle to Chandler, _____
- Chandler?, E. E. to Clarkson, Infant
- Clarkson, Infant to Coleman, Walter H.
- Colhmia, Deborah Ann to Crawford, Tommy
- Crawford, Tori Lea to Davenport, _____
- Daves, Alvin to De_Beauchamp, Maud
- De_Beaumont, Eleanor to Downey, Mary Jo
- Downing, Dawn Rene to Ellington, Misty Ann
- Elliott, Alonzo to Felker, Tamara Dawn
- Felman, Christine to Forte, Lillie W.
- Fortner, Voyd Ishmael to Gamble, Olita Lee
- Gamblin, Angela Jeanne to Ginger, Elizabeth
- Ginger, Frank to Gober, Barton Preston
- Gober, Bayley Leanna to Gober, Colleen
- Gober, Colten to Gober, Ellen Elizabeth
- Gober, Ellen Janyce to Gober, Gregory A.
- Gober, Gregory J. to Gober, James Wiley
- Gober, James Willard to Gober, Kelsey Selene
- Gober, Kenna to Gober, Margie A.
- Gober, Margie Ann to Gober, Mollie
- Gober, Mollie Emmaline to Gober, Robert L.
- Gober, Robert Lee to Gober, Tim
- Gober, Tim Rex to Goldsborough, Rachel
- Goldson, Eleanor Ann to Gruber, Wesley
- Grueskin, Abigail Rose to Harden, Waneve
- Hardesty, William Herman to Harvey, _____
- Harwell, Adrian Rebecca to Hicks, _____
- Higdon, David to Hopkins, James
- Hopkins, James Earl to Hundley, Robert Harrison Jr.
- Hunt, Alivio to Jeter, William Brandon
- Jimenez, Jessie to Jordan, Lovie Mary
- Jordan, Luna Belle to Kent, William Harold
- Kenworthy, Thelma Lorene to Lane, Mae
- Lane, Margrette Francine to Ledbetter, Mavis White
- Ledbetter, Michael Earl to Lockhart, _____
- Locklear, Wanda to Malone, _____
- Maloney, Lynn Patricia to Mathis, Samuel Ely
- Matlick, Judith Ann to McKay, Ella Mae
- McKay, Ella Myra to Meaders, Jean Melinda
- Meaders, Jedediah Asbury to Miller, Robert Eugene
- Miller, Russell Evndst to Moravits, Brian
- Mordecai, Richard to Murry, Thomas F.
- Musgrove, Cecily Rhea to Nix, Velma Elizabeth
- Nixon, Edythe Lamae to Paine, Thomas Wayne
- Palmer, Kerry Keith to Perry, Ruby
- Persell, Gail to Pope, Milton
- Popham, Carla to Rasco, Carlene Elizabeth
- Ratcliff, Amy Catherine to Rice, Winston Vern III
- Rice, Winston Vern Jr. to Rogers, _____
- Rohlin, William to Sanders, _____
- Sanderson, Mable to Sewell, Janette
- Sewell, Jennie Mae to Sitter, _____
- Siwek, Patti to Smith, Sally Ann
- Smith, Sam to Sterling, Vashpie
- Stevens, Ashlee Olivia to Tallent, John Paul
- Tallman, Lillian to Thompson, Susan Rebecca
- Thompson, Theodocia Silvilla to Turner, _____
- Turney, Josie to Vinyard, Gene
- Vinyard, George to Wallace, Willodine
- Walley, Carolyn Elena to Westall, Son
- Westbrook, Alice Catherine to Williams, James Albert
- Williams, James Lurtis to Wilson, John
- Wilson, John Bailey Sr. to Wright, Mitchell Eugene
- Wright, Mitchell LaRue to _________, Josie Velma
- _________, Joyce to _________, _____